Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Team Applied Robotics APC 2015 Summary

After participating in the inaugural Amazon Picking Challenge held alongside the IEEE ICRA 2015 conference in Seattle, we would like to describe our system in more detail. Our system was designed and implemented over a six-month period in our free time on a shoestring budget and delivered satisfactory results, resulting in a 10th place out of 28 participating teams from all over the world.

One of the first design decisions we made was to use a vacuum gripper as a mechanical solution was too large to be able to grab objects placed in the back of the shelf. An additional benefit was that compliant gripping was easy to achieve.

The robot arm we used was a UR5. Because we had access to the same robot for testing as that would be supplied at APC, we did not have to ship the actual robot. We did, however, need to ensure the robot base and gripper could be mounted and transported easily. We designed a base that could be taken apart completely and reassembled quickly. The gripper and camera bracket was also quickly mounted onto the end of the robot arm with just a couple of bolts. After assembly only two things needed to be calibrated: the position of the camera with respect to the robot arm and the position of the robot with respect to the cabinet. By defining a clear procedure for the set-up and calibration, the system was up and running within an hour.

The software architecture was based on ROS with separate modules for strategy, perception, motion planning and the interface to the UR controller. The motion planning used a heuristic approach to create Cartesian paths between the pick-up position (as determined by the perception module) and the drop-off position. For checking the Cartesian paths for collisions and reachability, URDF models of the robot and the shelf were used. After ensuring a collision-free path had been found, the robot controller executed the linear paths.

To acquire depth information, we used the Kinect V2 sensor mounted on the robot arm. This gave us sufficient resolution although issues with reflection due to the Time of Flight technique meant we needed careful filtering of the point clouds before processing. 

For distinguishing objects from the shelf, recognising them and determining their poses, we took a very pragmatic approach. Because the pose of cabinet was known, we could easily filter the required bin from the pointcloud. Then we used basic PCL functionality to segment the objects. Here, we assumed that objects were not touching. Although this was true for the majority of the bins, we knew that picking all objects would be unlikely. From each object segmented from the shelf we determined the dimensions and matched them against the target object. If there was a match, the grasp poses of the object were determined by approximating the object by a bounding box. Using this approach, we were able to correctly pick approximately 80% of the objects in realistic shelf set-ups.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Amazon Picking Challenge final results

On Thursday we had a meeting about the future of the Amazon Picking Challenge with representatives of all teams. We talked about how the results and code can be shared best, what can be done to make the challenge more interesting for spectators, how it can be organised next year and who would be interested in competing again.

In the evening Amazon hosted drinks and it was great to mingle and discuss approaches with other teams. The final standings can be found below. Team Applied Robotics placed 10th of 27 teams, with 11 points.

Conquering some of the most difficult items to pick

Competition report day 2

On Wednesday morning team MIT scored 88 points and team RBO from TUBerlin 148! There were some other interesting runs with a robotic humanoid hand and dual arm Yaskawa Motoman systems. 

Team RBO
Team RBO

At the end of Wednesday Team Applied Robotics was at shared 9th place. On Thursday morning the two final teams will have their runs. 

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Competition report day 1

After arriving in Seattle, Team Applied Robotics wasted no time setting up our equipment. On Monday evening we could already set-up our frame and see the competition bays. Other teams were also busy setting up and we recognised quite a few of the robots from previous videos posted online.

The next morning, on Tuesday, we were back at the Washington State Convention Center ready to set-up for our official run at 14.00. The robot arm was stuck in traffic and only arrived on site 4 hours before our run, but luckily we were well prepared. Having practiced the entire set-up and calibration before, it took Simon and John little time to attach the gripper and camera, wire the vacuum cleaner motor and to calibrate the positions of the robot and the camera. We had plenty of time left over to test our entire system and we made some successful runs, picking items out of the cabinet. We were the only team picking multiple objects in quick succession. Soon a crowd had gathered and were filming our fast and smooth picking operation.

Around 13.00 we heard that the first team to compete had dropped out, so we would be the first team to compete in an hour. The judges arrived and confirmed the process. We got to choose a random usb stick containing our picking order and shelf layout. Ten minutes before time the judges filled the shelf. A crowd of about 50 had gathered around our bay and we started smoothly, picking the yellow duck dog toy in no time, landing us 11 points. The robot performed a wrist flip to get to the next bin in the bottom left hand corner. To grasp the second item, the glue, the robot rotated 90 degrees to pick it from the side. This resulted in the camera getting tangled in the vacuum cleaner hose and meant that upon moving into the bin the robot went into an emergency stop. We applied for our 5 minute reset period in which the shelf was restocked and we adjusted the hose cabling. After the reset we picked the first object successfully but unfortunately it got tangled again at the second object. This was the end of our official run.

Immediately afterwards, we took the opportunity to demonstrate our capabilities to the crowd. By slightly changing the orientation of the glue bottle we had a very successful run, scoring a hypothetical 67 points. Unfortunately for us, this run did not count.

During the rest of the afternoon we watched other challenges, talked with teams and gave a few interviews. By the end of the day we were still in third place. The main distinction between the teams was if we managed to pick one object or zero. No teams picked more than one item on the first day and most teams also used their reset time. While we had an unfortunate run, our system was capable of picking an entire shelf successfully, something the other teams on Tuesday didn't show. We got the comment that our system was "ready to be sold for production next week", compared to the last minute testing and hacking going on around us. About two thirds of the teams will have their runs on Wednesday.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Live stream is up

Team Applied Robotics is now broadcasting live from Bay 3! We are scheduled at 14.00 local time (23.00 Dutch time) and will be setting up until then

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Off to Seattle

In the past week we completed our preparations and are very happy with the system performance. Everything is working as we designed it and integration went rather smoothly. This weekend we timed our set-up and packed up ready for Seattle.

We will be the 2nd team of more than 30 to compete. Our challenge time slot is on Tuesday 26th May in Bay 3 from 14.00 to 14.20 (23.00 - 23.20 NL time). We will try to have a live stream up from around 10.00 (19.00 NL time) if the convention centre wifi is fast enough. If so the link will be posted here.

We are really looking forward to seeing what the other teams have come up with and seeing how our design holds up to the competition!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Testing, Testing, Fine-tuning and some more testing

In the last two weeks, we finished integration of the complete system, including hardware as well as software.
After the successful initial tests, we started testing our set-up for the complete challenge cycle. From now on we will focus on fine-tuning the vision and path-planning algorithms, making only minor adjustments to make the system more robust.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Good start to last month of integration

In less than four weeks Team Applied Robotics will be competing in Seattle! In the past month we have been busy taking apart vacuum cleaners, designing a custom gripper and nozzle, integrating electronics, segmentation algorithms for the vision system, robot frame design and a custom motion coordinator.

This is a sketch of our frame to mount the robot, designed to be easy to disassemble and transport:

The gripping action is shown below:

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Team Applied Robotics chosen for Amazon Picking Challenge Travel Reimbursement Award

Team Applied Robotics has been selected for a travel reimbursement award. 41 teams applied with videos of their progress so far. Our entry was chosen as one of the 25 most competitive submissions as can be found on the Amazon Picking Challenge news page.

The official Amazon Picking Challenge objects also arrived this week which will help immensely in improving our vision algorithms.

We look forward to the last two months leading to the Amazon Picking Challenge at ICRA 2015.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Improved vision algorithm and end effector design

Since our last update we have been working on further improvements to our vision algorithms and on a brand new end effector design.

The new end effector uses vacuum technology to be able to pick a wide variety of objects. The long and narrow design allows us to pick up objects from the back of the shelf and allows us to pick objects from the top and the side.

 The freshly arrived Kiva shelf comes in handy for testing these improvements.
 Please see the video below for our proof of concept tests for the vision and end effector design:


Friday, March 6, 2015

KIVA shelf

This week we had a special delivery from KIVA Systems in the US. A 64 kg package arrived with all the components to construct our own KIVA shelf to prepare for the Amazon Picking Challenge. It is a modular system and took about an hour to put together.

This type of shelf is used in highly automated Amazon warehouses. Note that the final picking task is still left to a human in the video below:

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Testing Vision and Reachability

We have been testing our vision system this week. A scene is shown below with two objects placed on two planes. The vision system successfully identifies two planes with different orientations and segments the objects.

Additionally the robot arm was placed in multiple poses to optimise the reachability. 

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Team Applied Robotics to compete in Amazon Picking Challenge

Team Applied Robotics officially qualified to compete in the Amazon Picking Challenge at ICRA 2015. The challenge is to build a robotic application that is able to pick up randomly placed items from a shelf. Although this is a simple task for a human, it is still a huge challenge to automate. Amazon hopes to spur the advancements of the technologies that will enable an economically viable generic order picking solution.

Team Applied Robotics will be working on:

  • Development of a compliant gripper
  • Object recognition
  • Path planning
  • Task coordination

You will be able to follow our progress on this blog

You can check out our qualification video on Youtube